Proxy Voting General
Voting at shareholder company meetings by proxy to consider issues proposed by management or other shareholders.
Proxy voting is a means by which shareholders can influence or hold management to account.
Ownership of shares in investee companies come with rights to vote on issues proposed at shareholder meetings.
Is the process by which proxy votes are collected and collated at shareholder meetings.
Shareholder meetings are called to vote on ESG issues affecting the company and on administrative governance issues e.g appointment of directors on boards.
ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance factors that may affect investee companies. These issues are considered at shareholder meetings.
These are the Guidelines and principles that guide how shareholders may votes on issues tabled at shareholder meetings.ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance factors that may affect investee companies. These issues are considered at shareholder meetings.
Proxinsight issues recommendations on issues considered at each shareholder meeting. These recommendations are research based and guided by client policies.